Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bruno Review

Welcome once again to the Doctor's Prognosis!

Just saw Bruno the other day so it's time for a new review. I never actually saw Ali G or Borat so I am new to Sacha Baron Cohen mockumentaries.

Velcro suits are the hot new thing in fashion.

Bruno is supposedly an Austrian homosexual who also wants to be a famous celebrity. And he doesn't care how he becomes one. This is what leads to Bruno involving himself in all sorts of crazy situations as he tries to get his face out there.

One such situation involves Bruno trying to get kidnapped by terrorists, just to get his face on TV! Another great segment involved adopting a young African baby and making him wear a shirt that said "Gayby" on it. It's a miracle Sacha didn't get himself killed making this movie.

Father of the year!

And this is where one of the problems of the film arises. The parts where Bruno puts himself into these situations with real people are funny, but the acted out parts just fall flat. They are really only there to move the "story" forward and lead into reasons why Bruno puts himself in these situations. But really, the film could have cut most these parts out and worked out just fine.

One such segment involves a gratuitous sex scene between Bruno and a Pygmy. It was all acted out and not really very funny. It was just ridiculous like, "No way! He put a bottle in his butt and served himself some champagne! Is that even real?"

Another problem is the abundance of penis. Yes, there is a lot of wang in this film. It makes sense at one point because they want us to see what some of Bruno's victims see. But be prepared to look away from the screen like I did.

Don't wear sunglasses with this outfit. That would just look ridiculous.

Despite it's problems, Bruno still manages to be very funny. As long as you can get over the gratuitous nudity and grossness, you can find yourself having a lot of fun with this film. Thumbs up.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Movie Reviews for Moon and Public Enemies

Welcome once again to The Doctor's Prognosis!

One word of advice before moving on to the reviews: Never answer a jury summons..... Oh wait! I can't say that can I? OK then, please make sure to do jury duty. It's a right and a privilege or some other such nonsense. Oh wait! That was the same thing wasn't it?
/runs away

Public Enemies Review
Public Enemies was an odd experience because here I had actors I admire. I like Johnny Depp and Christian Bale, and Giovanni Ribisi makes an appearance. And the movie even starts with a jail breakout. So it sounds like a fun way to start the film. Yet for some reason, I never fully felt engaged with this film.

I thought Johnny Depp did a decent job as John Dillinger, and Christian Bale really didn't have much of a character to work with. It was just alright.

"I should have been in a better film."

Many times I felt like I should have been more enthralled by the gun fights, and some of them worked pretty well, but overall the film still felt dull.

Also working against the film were the myriad cliches. You will feel like you saw this film before and done better.

Public Enemies did get better as it went along. However, it never fully engaged me. I felt the same way about the trailer, but I was hoping that it would be good with the people involved. Unfortunately, it was just alright and just not worth watching with all the better movies available. Michael Mann should be ashamed. He can do better than this. Thumbs down.

Moon Review

This was a film I wanted to see since watching the trailer earlier this year. Starring Sam Rockwell as an astronaut that made a deal to work alone on the Moon for 3 years, this thriller harkens back to the style of sci-fi filmmaking we saw in the 60's and 70's. Moon eschews big CGI special effects for a story that's delves into the psyche.

One cannot talk about this film without talking about what an amazing job Sam Rockwell does with his acting. Sam Rockwell's character, Sam Bell, finds himself face to face with a clone that claims he was sent with the same contract to fulfill for 3 years. This leads to Rockwell acting with himself throughout the film. And to convince the audience that he is indeed two different people (albeit with the same DNA) is no easy feat.
Kevin Spacey also does a great job voicing Gerty, Sam's robotic buddy in the film.

Moon reminded me of something more akin to a Twilight Zone episode. Growing up watching and loving those kind of stories made Moon really shine. It took that kind of cerebral storytelling and made it modern again. I hope this means that more films of this kind could be on the horizon.

Director Duncan Jones should be proud of his work here. Jones has only one other directing credit under his name but his talent here should help propel him to more great work. I highly recommend anyone to watch this film if you like some old school sci-fi in your film. Big thumbs up.

Hope you enjoyed my reviews. If you're interested in watching the trailer to Moon, check it out here.
If you want to see what will surely be the best movie of the summer, click here.
If you're interested in Public Enemies, go get professional help.

Thanks for stopping by.
See you next time!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The First Prognosis!

Welcome to the first ever Doctor's Prognosis! Exciting huh?

Not much to say right now except that I usually can't stop writing once I get started so I will keep it short and say that hopefully this will be one blog I update more regularly.
I put so much work in my older blogs on other sites, that I didn't even want to start them anymore because of how long it took me to finish. Seriously, I would put up all these pics and vids and links and it just took too much time.

Anyway, I will try to keep these short and to the point instead of articles which is how I'm used to writing. But we'll see where it goes.

But I do like posting pics so... here you go!

"Sailor Moon says.... hey what happened to my voice?"

See you next time! :-D