Friday, March 30, 2012

Quantic Dream's Kara - Tech Demo or Short Film?

Check out this amazing tech demo from Quantic Dream, creators of PS3 game Heavy Rain.

The point of the video was to show off the tech Quantic Dream is working with for future games. But I think it works as an amazing short film as well. In fact, I could easily see this as the intro to something much bigger, such as a full length film or series. I could even see this as the intro to a full game.

Any way you look at it, it works really well and could easily be expanded on. Even if nothing came from it, I believe it stands up really well by itself as an emotional short film that everyone should watch. They make you care about Kara and what happens to her in the short amount of time they use. Ultimately, in more ways than one, the video demonstrates the power technology can have on humans.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Avengers Trailer!

by Carlos Marquez

Title explains it all.

The film seems to be coming along quite nicely. I'm liking everything I see in the trailers so far. Can't wait to see the final product. The Avengers is scheduled to hit theatres on May 4th, 2012 in the United States in 2D, IMAX 3D, and RealD 3D.