Footage has been made available on the net of a cancelled Batman game that almost was. The game was called Gotham by Gaslight, a game that would have been based on the comic book of the same name. Set in Gotham in 1889, Batman finds that Jack the Ripper is prowling the streets of Gotham.
Obviously the story takes liberties with the characters and timeline, but that is what makes the idea so fresh: taking a great character like Batman and putting him in a different time against a real villain. There is definitely potential in a game like this.
Originally created by Day 1 Studios as a pitch for development on the XBox 360 and PS3, here is the footage of the prototype version of the game.
The game could be likened to Arkham City with the apparent openness of the game. The cape physics look pretty good. Though they seem to have swiped the "leaping tall buildings in a single bound" power from Superman for some reason.
There is a part of me that would like to see this come to fruition. There is a great idea here. Rocksteady Studios has a terrific game engine with the Arkham series, so they have the tools to create an amazing version of this. Even if it was just DLC or an Arcade Live game, it would be worth a look. It could open up the possibilities for more creative uses of licenses in the future.