If Call of Duty and Diablo had a baby, it would be called Borderlands. This game came out in October and I am still playing it. That's how fun it is. The story is unintelligible, but you aren't playing this for the story. This is what you call a "loot-hoarding" game. It's extremely addictive simply because you want to keep playing to see what you can find next. And every weapon plays and feels differently so you definitely want to try them all out before deciding to sell.
You have 4 classes to choose from and each one can be customized with a skilltree based on how you want to play. So the game is very flexible for different playstyles. Also, leveling up feels satisfying because you can allocate a skill point on your skill tree. Plus new and stronger weapons and items become available to use that you couldn't at lower levels.

Also of note is the great art design. It looks like a graphic novel come to life. It really helps lend character to the game and makes it stand out among the myriad shooters out there.

But if this game is so addicting and fun, why isn't it my Game of the Year? Well it has some serious flaws. The music isn't so great but that's not a big deal breaker. Also, you fight a lot of the same enemies throughout the game. But the biggest flaw is the myriad glitches in the game. And I don't mean just "weird stuff in midair" type glitches but "Holy crap I lost my awesome shield mod" type glitches.

Yes this game is lots of fun and you will always be finding cool equipment to use but when you have to be so careful not to lose your hard-earned items, well that's just too big of a flaw. Thankfully, developer Gearbox has fixed some of the glitches since launch. But one of the new DLC caused this reviewer to lose some really cool gear. That's just too big to overlook.

So, it is due to these flaws that I make Borderlands one of my Game of the Year runner-ups, and give it an 8 out of 10.
This is another Game of the Year runner-up! Fortunately there are no horrible Borderlands type glitches, and Street Fighter IV boasts an evolution in gameplay from both SF2 and SF3. However, it still lacks some features that have become common in fighting games. Specifically the online gameplay is missing a few features such as being able to mimic arcade play with spectators. Fortunately, many of these issues will be addressed for the upcoming SUPER Street Fighter IV.

Street Fighter IV is a great reintroduction into the series after a long hiatus. I originally gave it a 9 out of 10. But it is difficult to make it GotY when an improved version with more stages and characters (such as the Korean Tae Kwon Do fighter Juri) is coming out in only a few months. But if you love fighting games, you can't go wrong with the new SF4 series. Maybe just wait for the new Super SF4 coming out in the Spring.

Expect Dudley, Ibuki, and Makoto to also be announced sometime soon for SSF4. In the meantime, brush up your skills players!
Is anyone really surprised by my choice?
Batman: Arkham Asylum had very little flaws. I gave it a 9 out of 10. But it had no game-breaking glitches like Borderlands, and you didn't have to worry about people disconnecting after a hard won fight like in Street Fighter IV. Instead you had a great game inspired by the likes of Metroid and Zelda. The only disappointment was that the boss fights could have been better. But this is a very small gripe as there is plenty to love about the game. With great stealth elements, a deep fighting system, great voice acting, and an awesome story, you can't go wrong with Arkham Asylum.
If you like Batman, or just action/adventure games, buy this game! And hurry up because the sequel was announced recently!
I hope you enjoyed my year in review of the best games of 2009. What was your Game of the Year? See you next time! :-)