Just saw Bruno the other day so it's time for a new review. I never actually saw Ali G or Borat so I am new to Sacha Baron Cohen mockumentaries.

Bruno is supposedly an Austrian homosexual who also wants to be a famous celebrity. And he doesn't care how he becomes one. This is what leads to Bruno involving himself in all sorts of crazy situations as he tries to get his face out there.
One such situation involves Bruno trying to get kidnapped by terrorists, just to get his face on TV! Another great segment involved adopting a young African baby and making him wear a shirt that said "Gayby" on it. It's a miracle Sacha didn't get himself killed making this movie.

And this is where one of the problems of the film arises. The parts where Bruno puts himself into these situations with real people are funny, but the acted out parts just fall flat. They are really only there to move the "story" forward and lead into reasons why Bruno puts himself in these situations. But really, the film could have cut most these parts out and worked out just fine.
One such segment involves a gratuitous sex scene between Bruno and a Pygmy. It was all acted out and not really very funny. It was just ridiculous like, "No way! He put a bottle in his butt and served himself some champagne! Is that even real?"
Another problem is the abundance of penis. Yes, there is a lot of wang in this film. It makes sense at one point because they want us to see what some of Bruno's victims see. But be prepared to look away from the screen like I did.

Despite it's problems, Bruno still manages to be very funny. As long as you can get over the gratuitous nudity and grossness, you can find yourself having a lot of fun with this film. Thumbs up.