Been a while my peeps! I was just completely overwhelmed with university and work but I'm trying to get back in the groove of things. What better way to ease in than with some cool new trailers? Check them out!
Resident Evil 6
Looking very action-oriented which isn't really a bad thing. I enjoyed the action of RE5, but this new iteration looks to have ramped that up even more. Looking forward to seeing more.
Street Fighter X Tekken
Let's start with this cool cinematic....
I'm loving the feel of these cinematics. They have a much more gritty feel in comparison to how Street Fighter IV felt. This is likely influenced by the inclusion of the Tekken universe, which has always been much grittier as opposed to Street Fighter's "cartooniness." And now for some awesome gameplay featuring newly announced characters!
Oh man, check out the silhouettes of Pac-Man and Mega Man! If playable, I hope they are not just for the Vita. It would be fun to duke it out with them on my 360. But did Mega Man look a little odd? Maybe it is Frank West from Dead Rising dressed up like Mega Man? Or maybe it's the infamous bad box art Mega Man from the original NES game? Either one would be a letdown, though extremely funny.
Even without the company mascots, I am looking forward to this game. Street Fighter X Tekken (pronounced Street Fighter Cross Tekken) is slated for a March 6 release in North America for the PS3 and XBox 360, with PS Vita and PC releases expected later this year.
I hope you liked these trailers as much as I did. 2011 was a great year in gaming but 2012 is already shaping up nicely too. I also hope I can keep updating while continuing my increased workload from school and work. See you next time my peeps!